BCSA Membership
Receive value from a structured benefits offering and benefit from the promotional activity BCSA undertakes for its members.
Why should I become a Member of the BCSA?
As a member of BCSA your organisation will receive value from a structured benefits offering, and additionally from the work BCSA undertakes for and on behalf of its members. BCSA has three categories of membership; Steelwork Contractors (Buildings and Bridgeworks), Industry members and Stakeholder members.
By joining the BCSA you will receive value from:
- A structured benefit offering
- A structured benefit offering
The work BCSA undertakes for and on behalf of its members
Access to the wider structural steelwork sector
Tailored advice and support for your business from BCSA’s expert team
Five reasons why you should join the BCSA Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors (RQSC) for buildings and bridgeworks:
A good client is one who gives your company an order, but before that you have to get on the tender list.
Increasingly clients are relying on the BCSA to assist them with their pre-qualification process. Your next opportunity could come from a Client who uses the list.
Getting enquiries is easy. Getting good enquiries is the art.
Being on the BCSA/RQSC membership list ensures that the special skills of your company are widely publicised, and that means you should not receive unsuitable enquiries.
Quite possibly you believe that your company is the best in its field – as competent and competitive as any others.
That belief needs promoting and the BCSA RQSC provides the opportunity backed up by assessment visits from an experienced professional.
It is rare to find a company that does not want a level playing field – as the opportunity to play on one sloping your way only lasts for half the match!
However, fair competition is as much about the other competitors as it is about the playing field. Being a BCSA RQSC member enables Clients to select tender lists of similarly qualified companies.
This gives your company the chance to show its potential against proper competition.
As an employer, you must ensure that any individual performing a task on your behalf has the competence to do so without putting the health and safety of themselves or others at significant risk.
The BCSA RQSC membership list is a means of providing Clients with prima facie evidence of your company’s special and general skills in steel construction, and a measure of the resources available to the company to undertake steelwork contracts.
In short, being a BCSA RQSC member is a demonstration of a company’s competence.
What BCSA does for its Members
Drives constructional steel as the material of choice in the UK and Ireland
Promotes the capabilities of its members to specifiers, main contractors
and clients
Provides members with expert specialist professional advice and support
Represents member interests and lobbies Government and industry on key
sector issues
Brings members together through regular meetings and groups to discuss
and tackle matters of common interest
Organises seminars, webinars and courses tailored to your needs
- Keeps you up to date with technical advances and best practice
Find out more about BCSA membership categories