Member Directory
Selecting a Steelwork Contractor has never been easier
Member Directories
Selecting a quality registered steelwork contractor made easy
With comprehensive Registered Quality Steelwork Contractors (RQSC) for Buildings and Bridgeworks directories, BCSA provides a wealth of choice to ensure a qualified and competitive tender list for you. By choosing a BCSA RQSC accredited member, it will provide you with confidence in their ability and competency, and that they are the most appropriate steelwork contractor for your project.
BCSA RQSC for Buildings and Bridgework members are assessed on an annual basis and visited by experienced auditors to confirm their capabilities.
In addition, there are two further searchable directories for the steelwork supply chain - the BCSA Industry Members, and professional service organisations – BCSA Stakeholder Members.
Why select a BCSA member?
Ensures you chose a well-qualified contractor
Reduces your time searching for competent contractors
RQSC badge demonstrates the calibre of contractor chosen
Proves you are meeting the specification standards in the NSSS 7th Edition

RQSC for Buildings Directory
RQSC for Building members are companies who undertake the design, fabrication and erection of steelwork for all forms of construction in building and civil engineering. Member listings can be searched by 14 building types, contract values, accreditations and location.

RQSC for Bridgeworks Directory
The Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors Scheme for Bridgeworks provides an easy and trusted way to select a steelwork contractor specialised in bridgeworks and infrastructure for tender lists. Member listings can be tailored by 11 sub-categories of bridge construction, contract values, accreditations and location.

Industry Members
Industry members are companies involved in the direct supply to all or some BCSA steelwork contractors of components, materials or products. Categories include; computer software, design services, manufacturing equipment, protective systems, safety systems, steel producers, steel stockholders, structural component and structural fasteners.

Stakeholder Members
Stakeholder members are clients, professional offices, educational establishments etc which support the development of national specifications, quality, fabrication and erection techniques, overall industry efficiency and good practice.