BCSA News and Insights
A warm welcome to our new BCSA Industry Member – ES Steel
Category: General, New Members
ES Steel was founded in 1998 and since then they have become experts in nuclear installations and project management, installing steel structures on sites throughout the UK.
Contact details can be found on their profile: https://bcsa.org.uk/company/es-steel/

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J-tubes for offshore windfarm
Angle Ring has supplied all the J-tubes bends to Aker Solutions for the Hywind Tampen offshore windfarm project in the North Sea.
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President's Column May 2023
The draft version of the guide, Fatigue design of crane supporting structures has been issued for comment to the BCSA Process and Technical Committee. The steelwork industry was very lucky to be able to persuade Charles King to work on this document. Some of you will remember that Charles used to work for the SCI ...