BCSA News and Insights
Structural Steel Design Awards 2023 – Call for Entries
Category: General
Do you have a constructional steelwork project that demonstrates exemplary sustainability credentials, innovative design, cost-effectiveness and aesthetics?
If so, the BCSA and Steel for Life would like to hear from you and welcome a completed application form to enter the Structural Steel Design Awards 2023. Projects entered for an Award can be UK or internationally-based but need to have been built by a UK or Irish steelwork contractor.
2023 will be the 55th year the awards have run, showcasing best practices in the field of structural steelwork.
To find out more about the judging process, the entry requirements and to download an application form, go to SSDA 2023: How to enter.
The 2022 winning projects can be viewed on the BCSA SSDA page.

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Deputy President's Column November 2022
Today, we all rely on computers, whether it's our basic pocket calculator, our mobile phone, or our home PC. But do we have the experience to know if these computers are giving us the right results?In certain instances, we most certainly do. For example, if you tapped 13 x 13 into your calculator and it presented you with the answer 1234, then you would immediately know that this result was wrong and you may then decide to find that elusive pencil and paper and go back to the basics we were...
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President's Column January 2023
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