BCSA News and Insights
Welcome to our new Steelwork Contractor Member - Loaninghill Fabrication Co Ltd
Category: General, New Members
A warm welcome to a new steelwork contractor member who has just joined BCSA - Loaninghill Fabrication Co Ltd.
This family-run business was established in 1986 and started off as a fencing and blacksmith company operating from a smallholding. As the market for fencing, gates, railings, posts and other materials grew, the two business entities were split. Loaninghill Fabrication Co Ltd has gone on to provide; fencing, metalwork design, gate fabrication, fire escapes, handrails, balconies and security grilles, to several leading contractors in Scotland.
Contact details can be found on their profile: https://bcsa.org.uk/company/loaninghill-fabrication-co-ltd/

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President's Column September 2022
At a recent BCSA meeting some members thought I was a little bit grumpy. Thinking about that after the meeting, with inflation running at 10% or more, energy prices going through the roof, the continued crisis in the Ukraine, a paralysed UK government and many other things we have to contend with on a daily basis, is anybody really surprised that people might be down in the dumps? Often though, when we start to feel sorry for ourselves, events happen to other poor souls that are so grave, that...
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President's Column October 2022
At the time of writing this column it is the 29th of September 2022, sterling is practically on parity with the dollar. The first time I was lucky enough to visit the USA in 1979 you could get $2.5 dollars to the pound. Energy prices are going through the roof, inflation is close to 10% and some commentators are suggesting that interest rates could triple by next year. The same commentators talk about the recession being a soft or hard landing. I remember back to the days when I was lucky to...