Handbook of Structural Steelwork (Eurocode Edition) (PDF)

This A5 publication is a practical guide to the design of structural steel for buildings. The guidance is in accordance with Eurocode 3, the associated UK National Annex and other relevant Eurocodes.
The publication comprises three principal sections. A section giving general design guidance on the resistance of cross-sections and members in bending, tension and compression; a section on general design data which includes bending moment diagrams, shear force diagrams and expressions for deflection calculations; and a third section showing a series of design tables which includes section properties for the most commonly used section types (UBs, UCs, Joists, Channels, Angles, Hollow Sections etc) and member resistance and ultimate load tables calculated according to Eurocode 3 and its National Annex.
The member resistance tables also include the resistances for non-preloadable and preloadable bolts and longitudinal and transverse fillet welds.
ISBN: 978-1-85073-065-1
Publication Number: 55/13