Industry Specifications

The BCSA has developed a number of Specifications for the use of Steelwork Contractors and the wider industry. These Specifications enable suppliers to provide products that meet the highest standards of the steel industry.

Model specification for the purchase of structural bolting assemblies and holding down bolts

This Specification comes into force on the 1st January 2025, superseding all previous editions, and should be used in conjunction with the National Structural Steelwork Specification for Buildings and the Steel Bridge Group: Model Project Specification for the Execution of Steelwork in Bridge Structures.

The BCSA ‘Model Specification for the Purchase of Structural Bolting Assemblies and Holding Down Bolts’ ensures the quality control requirements of structural bolts placed on the UK market. Clause 2.4.2 of the National Structural Steelwork Specification for Building Construction requires structural fasteners from a supplier to be accepted only if the supplier complies with the full requirements of this Model Specification.

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Model specification for purchase of structural tensions assemblies

This specification is for the purchase of Group A structural tension assemblies according to BS EN 1993-1-11. The assemblies may be supplied assembled or as separate components. This specification may also be used, as appropriate, for the purchase of the separate components.

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Model specification for the purchase of structural steel sections, plates and bars

This 2nd Edition Specification cam into force on the 15th August 2019.

This specification is for the purchase of steel products and should be used in conjunction with the National Structural Steelwork Specification for Buildings (NSSS). This specification applies to suppliers of steel products placed on the market as structural steel sections, plate or bars for the fabrication of structural steelwork. 

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Model specification for the purchase of reclaimed steel sections

This model specification is for the purchase of reclaimed steel sections and should be used in conjunction with Annex J – Sustainability Specification of the National Structural Steelwork Specification for Buildings (NSSS), BCSA Pub. No. 65/22.

This model specification applies to suppliers of steel products placed on the market as reclaimed structural steel sections for the fabrication of structural steelwork. This model specification applies to the contract between the stockholder (the supplier) and the steelwork contractor (the purchaser). The supplier should comply with the full requirements of this specification, unless otherwise agreed with the purchaser of steel products.

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Technical specification for boundary elevations

This technical Specification covers the structural design requirements for single storey structures in a “boundary” condition, when spread of fire from inside a building (and in some cases from outside a building) must be prevented.

This technical Specification covers the design requirements for the primary frame, the secondary steelwork (side rails and purlins) and the external wall cladding.

This Specification is presented here in its 1st edition, and comes into force on the 1st July 2025.