BCSA News and Insights

President's Column July/August 2023
20 Jul 2023
Welcome to my first President’s column. In each edition, I want to discuss topical issues that are important to the industry and to the BCSA Membership, so if there is a subject that you think is worthy of discussion, then please contact the BCSA and we will endeavour to include it as best we can.

A warm welcome to our new BCSA RQSC for Buildings Member – Stage One
30 Jun 2023
Over the last 40 years, since Stage One Creative Services was born via the merger of 2 companies in 1982...

2023 Structural Steel Design Awards Shortlist Announced
21 Jun 2023
The shortlist for the 55th Structural Steel Design Awards (SSDA), jointly sponsored by BCSA and Steel for Life, has been announced.

President's Column June 2023
09 Jun 2023
As my time as BCSA President is ending, it’s natural for me to reflect on the past three years in office and the challenging times we have all faced.

President's Column May 2023
16 May 2023
The draft version of the guide, Fatigue design of crane supporting structures has been issued for comment to the BCSA Process and Technical Committee. The steelwork industry was very lucky to be able to persuade Charles King to work on this document. Some of you will remember that Charles used to work for the SCI ...

A warm welcome to our new BCSA Industry Member – ES Steel
09 May 2023
ES Steel was founded in 1998 and since then they have become experts in nuclear installations and project management...

President's Column April 2023
14 Apr 2023
The Grenfell Tower disaster occurred on 14th June 2017. Despite the rigorous enquiries and the publication of Building a Safer Future Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety: Final Report, led by Dame Judith Hackitt, in May 2018, it is only now that the major recommendations are filtering down to change behaviour.

Kevin Hollinrake MP discusses industry concerns during a recent visit to NTS
07 Apr 2023
During a recent visit to National Tube Stockholders (NTS) in Thirsk, Mr Hollinrake, who is also a minister at the department for business and trade, met with executives from NTS, Severfield, and members of the British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) to discuss the industry’s contribution to the UK economy and what companies like NTS and Severfield are doing to generate more growth across the sector.

BCSA launches RQSC for Buildings and the Corrigenda to the NSSS 7th edition
03 Apr 2023
BCSA has launched a Corrigenda to the NSSS 7th edition, which introduces the new RQSC for Buildings assessment scheme. Compliance with the new scheme - the Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors (Building) - will prove to clients that a steelwork contractor can meet or even exceed the competence requirements demanded by the new Building Safety Act.

President’s Column March 2023
13 Mar 2023
I think we can all agree that we’ve traded through a very difficult and unstable couple of years. One wonders how the next two years will pan out, especially if the analysts are using data from an unstable period to predict the future, interpolation of data is easy, extrapolation of data is almost always inaccurate.